Friday, June 25, 2010

Quick and Easy Juicing Tips

Juicing is a great way to get more nutrients in your body without having to eat and digest a lot of fruits and vegetables. Could you imagine eating all of the vegetables and fruits that you actually juice? It could be overwhelming, so if you have the equipment to juice, take full advantage of it. Here are a few quick and easy juicing tips to enhance your experience.

Fresh juice is best drank as soon as you finish juicing.

Store pulp in freezer and use for soups, dips, sauces, at a later date.

Start with juicing softer fruits or vegetables first and then firmer ones.

Do not force any fruits or vegetable through the chute. Allow the pusher to push them through.

For easy cleaning, place a plastic bag inside the pulp collector container.

Let the unit run for a few minutes after you finished juicing to allow any excess juice to be extracted from the pulp.

Do not put any fruits or vegetables through the juicer until the unit is turned on.

Juice the vegetables that you like, not the ones that you don't like and not the ones that everyone tells you to juice.

You must have a base juice when juicing. Your base juice can be celery, carrot, cucumber, apple, pineapples, or beets. These fruits and vegetables have a lot of juice in them and can serve as your base juice.

Never juice bananas or avocados. They do not have any juice in them. Use them instead in a blender for a smoothie blend.

If you have to store your juices because of time restraints, drink them in at least 3 days.

Fresh watermelon juice is the best breakfast in the world. Its cool and refreshing and it cleanses out the kidneys especially during the early AM hours of the day. People who have high blood pressure should think about drinking fresh watermelon juice everyday while its in season.

Feast on as much juice as your body can take. The body loves fresh juice especially in the summertime.

Happy Juicing!

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